How to become the engineer of your psychedelic visions
Jul 18, 2024
By Shiri Godasi
‘Business’ is another name for purposeful, intentional relationships that elevate humanity and the planet.
Psychedelic integration too is another name for purposeful, intentional relationships that elevate humanity and the planet.
In the recent blog I asked you, how can you be in relationship with All while still being authentically, beautifully, abundantly you? How can you truly be free? So we can All be free…
A decade into this integration game, I’m still giddy about integrating the vision of FREEDOM into my/our life. What does it mean exactly? Well…
To integrate a vision, what’s helped me is adopting the mindset of a cosmic engineer:
- Zooming out to the soul field understand the ecosystem of the vision: soul dharma, ancestral and familial ties, community and collective reciprocation
- Zooming in to my human’s daily life architect the code that would correspond with the ecosystem while allowing the vision to manifest and thrive within it. The code being the intentions, thoughts, words, everyday actions becoming habits that would turn into real-life change.
If you look closely, you will see that this zooming in and out business, outlines nothing but relationships: an intentional relationship to the All, to Spirit and to life itself.
Every thought and move becomes a living prayer in service to this vision and to All. Everyday life becomes a ceremony.
Looking back, the vehicle that has granted me a life that feels like total freedom, perhaps more than anything else, is my psychedelic support business(es).
I entered my first psychedelic “business” in 2016, the first of 5, starting community integration circles and educational classes in Los Angeles, igniting a community at a time when you would Google “psychedelic integration” and 2 results would come up (!).
This “business” turned into a 501c-3 nonprofit organization… Becoming “legit” gave us full and total freedom to share about a legally and culturally delicate topic such as psychedelics before Michael Pollan made it cool…
I got trained and became a psychedelic integration coach/therapist… Offering all of my services donation based, then learning how to price, create transformation-based packages, provide more value…
When I had my babygirl in 2018 time became scarce while client base was growing. I was guided to start offering courses online. Keep in mind this was pre-COVID, Zoom was a thing our van did trying to get to Trader Joe’s in afternoon rush hour…
Lockdowns came and I made my first 5 figures in a single launch, then 6 figures… The first of many more. This particular business turned out to be the opposite of freedom. In fact, I remember vividly the night before another mega-launch I had a very detailed dream of me being enslaved in a BDSM dungeon. Now, as a long-time kinkster this scene does not phase me a bit. However, I woke up knowing exactly what it meant. For different reasons, I still proceeded with the launch. But the truth is, those were some of the darkest and most mentally-testing years of my life. I literally became enslaved to a vision imposed by the distortions of my Ego.
The more I grew the more I realized how tied up I was to an illusion that wasn’t serving *everyone* well; that includes my paying clients, me as the creator, and the cultural ecosystem. I looked around and within me and realized the horror of creating a business that was a mere product of a culture that is addicted to making things look pretty and showing they are “doing the work” while their true authentic self is hiding in the shadows, under their deepest traumas. It/I was making me sick, I was buried in shame. Realizing this here was my second spiritual awakening. It was time to get out and be truly free.
It’s funny how spiritually-inclined communities love to throw around the concept of spiritual bypassing. If anything, I would say that this too is part of the systemic and oppressing hype of trauma culture telling us “how to do the work”, reinforcing trauma and keeping people at bay (!).
We need more light in psychedelic integration to balance the shadow work and help people come out of unnecessary shadow dwelling.
For me, it took time to clear the many years of shadow dwelling and taking things way too seriously... As part of my recovery process – recovering the true Self– I started having more fun, engaging in more play and practicing being in the light (yes, this is thing. Practice being with elevating emotions like gratitude and joy instead of anxiety and depression and see what it does to your life!).
One of the markers of a successful integration process is when the outward expression matches the inward expression. Feeling so deeply connected with who I Am…
More confident in my magick
Trusting what Source wants to share with the world through me…
It was time to create, express the integration
I struck out into a brand that felt more authentic and colorful like me, attracting authentic and colorful people that I enjoy being in relationship with.
Each call, each client coaching session, each medicine ceremony, each social media post, each mentorship class, every offering and program is love alchemized. It is nurturing and regenerative, a reciprocal relationship in flow.
The more I play, the more light-filled, the more liberated I become, the more playful, light-filled and liberated my clients are, and the more their clients are too… The more we are All free.
If you want to know more about how to build a lit-up psychedelic support business, you will want to join my free upcoming interactive playshop
Looking back, every “business” was a project—an psychedelic integration container that has nudged myself and the clients that said “yes” to me through my offerings—
deeper into our soul’s essence,
deeper into what it means to be human at this time,
how to integrate engineer a liberated life for ourselves and for others.
An adventure to re-create the idea of [doing x being] business, from a place of psyche and soul.
And the best part… We got to play together, while “doing the work”... Creating more conscious neural pathways and networks on the planet…
More light consciousness.
What a magnificent and intelligent universe.
We’re in the business of purposeful, intentional relationships to create freedom for All.
We’re in the business of Psychedelic integration.
And if you are desiring to join the psychedelic web by becoming an integration coach and/or starting your own psychedelic support business, this space is a great launch pad.
Love love love
PS Soulpreneur: visionary business mastermind for psychedelic creators and soul-aligned entrepreneurship begins on 8/8. Registration is open
PSS register now to my upcoming free playshop on building a life of freedom for All through a lit-up psychedelic business. Can’t make the call live? You will get a recording :)
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