You're A Visionary Woman






Soul Sister...




Listen Closer:


You believe in the healing power of psychedelics and thinking about how amazing (!) it would be to join the psychedelic renaissance and become a coach, a healer, a ceremonialist, or psychedelic therapist - but have no idea where to begin (is this even possible?)

Psychedelics have changed your life - and you know in your heart of hearts that you are here to SERVE. Your day job pays the bills but leaves you feeling uninspired, drained, unfulfilled, but... Responsibilities!

You started a conscious psychedelic/healing business with a deep intention to help others find their truth and awaken - You are also struggling in growing your business, bringing in more clients, getting your message out there, and MAKING MONEY. 

You have taken steps to become a coach, healer, or therapist - and WANT an expert-level psychedelic integration therapy skillset that would expand your professional services - but who teaches proper Psychedelic Integration Therapy? And is this even legal?

You know you have a special gift, a talent, a passion, a soul-art that you would love to spend all your time doing - but have no clue HOW to turn it into a profitable, purpose-filled business in a way that will allow you and your clients to thrive - let alone adding psychedelics into the mix...

So - Which One Are You?

Welcome to

The Psyched Soul PlaySkool™ for Integration & Soulpreneurship

Psychedelic Coaching Certificate Program


By Shiri Godasi


A creativity-centered, transformational, professional training program for






Incubating the next leaders in grassroots psychedelic support 

Our Story

The Psyched Soul ™ PlaySkool was launched in January 2020 as the first comprehensive integration therapy certification training of its kind, when participants in one of Shiri's international seminars inquired about long-term training options. 

 In these years we have trained 100 coaches in 6 intimate cohorts through offering first-class mentorship and original content initiated by Shiri's years of pioneering field work supporting 1000’s of clients in varying integration processes.

Our trailblazing training model has inspired multiple other programs, helmed by some of the field's best known media companies. 

The PlaySkool remains a boutique program, maintaining its iconic vibe as an experiential, creativity-oriented and system-rebelling transformational vortex that remains grounded in professional discipline.

Our Grads

Many of Shiri's students are today's globally-recognized psychedelic leaders.

Our graduates are acknowledged as credentialed psychedelic specialists, coaches and therapists and get offered paid positions in leading organizations. See many of their success stories below!

We welcome You - our soul tribe, big-dreaming, huge-hearted, eager to serve system disruptor making their first steps in the psychedelic revival.

You have full intention to participate in this revival - and we provide you with the know-how, tools and authentic confidence to CREATE IT.

Our  Integration Method 

Become an expert-level coach by certifying in an exclusive & proven psychedelic integration therapy technique

The Psyched Soul Method™ 

An innovative, highly-customizable treatment protocol created in real field experience through sitting in the psychedelic support room, witnessing and guiding the integration process of 1000's of clients and a variety of psychedelic medicines.  

As a Psyched Soul™ Method Certified Coach you step into your professional practice with an effective and measureable integration therapy strategy to employ with your clients. 


Our Certification Requirements
  • Fulfillment of peer coaching
  • Fulfillment of internship
  • Fulfillment of module assessments
  • Final project


Our Program Instructors

Shiri Godasi, M.A. 
Founder & Director, Psyched Soul

Psychedelic Integration, Guiding & Visionary Service

Adam Aronovich, PhD

Founder of Healing From Healing

Sociocultural and Critical Perspectives on Healing Culture

Ben Malcolm, PharmD, MPH, BCPP

Founder of Spirit Pharmacist

Psychedelic Pharmacology For Integration Coaches

Mary Telliano

Death Doulah

Death, Dying and Psychedelics

Jahan Khamesehzadeh, PhD
Author & Guide

Sex, Psychedelics & Ethical Practice in Psychedelic Support


Our Results

Over a 100+ graduates of The Psyched Soul PlaySkool are creating the psychedelic renaissance:


 started an integration community in his hometown and is the founder of Phoenix Psychedelic Integration


 has created the world’s first educational and integration hub dedicated to 5MeO-DMT, is the co-founder and facilitator of an international retreat company.


 has left her pet store job of 15 years only 1 month into the program, started a brick-n’-mortar practice of psychedelic integration and is serving an international clientele


 joined Field Trip as a ketamine therapist


 has transitioned from an executive banking career and is the founder of PNW Integration


 is the creator of Psychemy of the Soul, a novel integration modality infused with Dancing Freedom mastery technique


 turned his mycology hobby into a novel niche in professional psychedelic integration support and is finishing his first book


 has pivoted her clinical MFT practice and offers ketamine therapy and integration sessions with an LGBTQ+-affirmative lens


 is a registered nurse and functional medicine practitioner that has incorporated psychedelic integration guiding into her holistic health practice


 is a veteran that has left a long career in insurance while being enrolled in the PlaySkool. He founded a registered non-profit entheogenic church and became a full-time ceremonialist and integration provider. He has created a retreat center that offers psychedelic healing for diverse communities.


 has retired from a career in hairstyling and joined Mindbloom as a psychedelic guide, a full-time  integration coach only half way through the program


 has merged her years of experience in various healing arts and is a full-time psychedelic somatic therapist


 booked her first 6-month coaching client package who paid in full - at the onset of the Sacred Business module in the program

Ready to make psychedelic Her-story?




Student Testimonials

Meet Your Guide:

Shiri Godasi, M.A.

Shiri is a pioneering psychedelic integration therapist, teacher, activist, visionary entrepreneur, and mother. She is an author and the host of The Psyched Soul Podcast. A 5-time psychedelic community innovator, she has founded a registered 501c-3 nonprofit community, a virtual education hub; a professional integration alliance; and a private coaching platform. Through field play she has originated a psychedelic integration therapy theory and methodology, The Psyched Soul Method. Called “The Matriarch of psychedelic integration”, her work as an integration coach since 2015 has inspired numerous individuals to create their footprint in the global psychedelic revival. A proponent of Self-shamanism and collective innovation, she is dedicated to creating grassroots systems that empower people to potentiate through play and re-creation, live an authentic & free life and serve their communities to design social change. Her approach draws from transpersonal psychology, Eastern philosophy, and shamanism, fusing ancient wisdom with modern practices for a ‘Psyched’ lifestyle. 

Attending The Psyched Soul/Psychedelic School with Shiri has been instrumental in my personal growth and ambitions in becoming a well trained psychedelic guide and coach. I have the confidence to answer my own soul's calling to be of service in the world of psychedelic healing. This course lays solid foundations for working with individuals through the intentional healing work that psychedelics can provide. I have no doubt in my abilities and have been able to assist with confidence those looking for guidance. The container that was created throughout this course through Shiri's guidance gifted me invaluable knowledge and resources to do this work. This is without a doubt the best decision I could have made for my future self.

Kelli Mack

This program reawakened my interest in Depth Psychology. In conjunction with the pandemic, I now have the inner vision to go forward to release the ways I was working and step into the space of the unconscious. I am a softer but more honest therapist. Softer meaning that I can be more interested in the process rather than outcome. My training has been so outcome based and therefor flat. The feminine is calling and i am listening.


Shiri I wanted to reach out to you to say - day one, module one and any reservations I had about spending such a large sum of money have completely vanished. I am thrilled with the way you conduct yourself and the quality of content you have provided for us. Thank you for putting all of this together, the amount of dedication and hard work this tool doesn't go unnoticed. Excited to embark on this journey with you.

Haley Purvis

I'm so glad with making the decision to join this school and diving deeper and educating myself on something that is so difficult to explain. I remember having my interview with Shiri and she asked me how do I explain a psychedelic experience, and like most being I was lost for words. What I loved about this program is it really poetically expresses and explores what a psychedelic experience really is and how to utilize it in way a way I didnt know; you can grateful for this experience. I want to continue to educate myself in other programs offered by The Psyched Soul and will definitely try and get others to join in on what Shiri has to offer.

Paul Anthony Duncan

In an ancient and wildly new space with voices from both, the committed ones will always matter. This course has been an unexpected delight for its challenges, breadth, and all of the exquisite folks that make it so. 

Todd Bureau

Professional development through personal discovery


The PlaySkool is designed as a PSYCHEDELIC CEREMONY: A multidimensional, rich, provoking, experiential and empowering experience.


It will equip You, guide You, challenge You, stretch You beyond your (own perceived) limitations to discover how limitless you actually are - and tickle the creative spark within you to light it up!

Engage with some of the deepest shadow work of your life - through our program's core value "Play to Slay". That's right - we "do the work" through creative play!


I joined the program because I felt that I needed some validation. I wanted to know that I was doing a good job of guiding someone along their psychedelic journey. Indeed, I found the validation I was looking for but I also discovered that I was missing quite a bit. The Intellectual materials and resources that this program has to offer are worth their weight in gold. Also, the networking and comradery that you build in this program are incredibly important for building a community of like minded individuals. Your cohort will become your new clan but the rest of us will be your tribe. Shiri's program participates in reciprocity which is so important nowadays. I can vouch that she does offer discounts to those of indigenous descent. I am of Kaqchiquel descent from my fathers side. The time I spent with my cohort and Shiri is invaluable. In fact, once you get through the program you will miss the regular visits via zoom but you will stay connected to your clan and also the rest of the tribe. If you're already doing integration work, guiding yourself or others through psychedelics. This program will not only reinforce everything you've learned on your own. It will build up your community, that in turn will strengthen your network and give you pieces of the puzzle that you may have missed on your own. That includes, intellectual materials, access to resources, workshops and recommendations on books and videos that will all bolster your knowledge and working experience which leads to a more well rounded and much wiser psychedelic integration guide.

Balam Saar

The Psyched Soul Certificate program deepened my understanding what integration looks like to me. I enjoyed our initial call with Shiri and seeing if it was a great fit for the program. I thought the sign up was easy and felt like a "FUCK YES" I paid in full and that was such a great feeling! The content surpassed my expectations! The lens of Depth Psychology Shiri brings is wonderful it really pieced things together for me. I met incredible soul family and connections. And I now get paid for what I love!

Entering Psychedelic Integration School for my own integration process was one of the best decisions I've ever made. However, I did not know it would feel like one "big trip" all together. I feel like a completely different person from when I began the program to now- halfway through. So much has shifted within me that I feel there are truly infinite opportunities waiting to be embarked on. My biggest paradigm shift has been "having to work a lot to make a living." I believe this has been instilled in us living in here the United States. Constantly grinding to make something out of ourselves. I see this differently now. Follow something you love to do, and it won't have to feel like work. This is what this program has shown me.

The mentorship call from last week floored me. A true masterclass in holding safe space. Thank you Shiri for allowing me to witness that intimate process. I learned a lot and you are all superstars

These past six months have been really transformative in numerous ways. I began this class feeling pretty lost, hopeless, and looking for some drastic healing. I made the conscious decision to commit time, money, and energy into myself doing something that is just for me and not for a family member, partner, friend, or colleague. This commitment was born from the dream of merging many of my passions into one life and a career. In this time I've been able to learn invaluable communication skills, unlock my innate talents and see how they can intersect and support one another, get in touch with and begin to heal my inner child, become very clear about my dreams, desires, and developed a luxurious morning routine that is baggy enough for me to exist in.

Hi Shiri, Your tribe is so happy and eternally grateful to you for all that you have done to walk along side us as you helpedmold us into professional integration specialists. Your vast reserves of wisdom, coupled with your kind intensity in holding us to the hightest of standards has prepared us to go out into the world and support others along their own personal healing journeys. We want to make sure you know how much what you have done means to each of us, so we put together this (not so) sort video where we share a little bit about how this program and our time together affected us, and also just to say a genuine, heartfelt thank you! Much love.

Tribe Tepoztlan

 Your Outcomes

✔ Gain first-hand experience in long-term psychedelic integration - as a client and as a provider

✔ Learn a strategic, methodical and proven professional integration support formula

✔ Undergo a thorough transformational integration process to shed the past, clarify you truth & extract your genius soul medicine

✔ Acquire high-level professional integration therapy AND coaching skillsets to support your intentions and soul message

✔ Participate in supervised integration internship to gain field experience as a student - kick away imposter syndromes

✔ Create your own, unique psychedelic support niche (!)

✔ Build your specialized psychedelic support business while in the program

✔ Get the business model blueprint for a scaleable + successful psychedelic career

✔ Learn and participate in models of psychedelic community culture activism 

✔ Step into a community leadership with heart-centered innovation to create radical social change

Psychedelic Soul Sister: Which One Are You?

You believe in the healing power of psychedelics and want to become an integration coach, a healer, or a psychedelic therapist - but have no idea where and how to begin...

You want to be in service to the sacred medicines that have changed your life. You're experienced and ready to make the move towards psychedelic leadership, but.. Imposter syndrome is real.

You are a coach, healer, or therapist that was not taught about psychedelic therapy in school. Your clients need help and you're ready to acquire a proper integration therapy skillset and expand your practice. 

You're a psychedelic-informed woman that is ready to get off the fence and dive deep into your own integration practice beyond meditation & journaling--while getting certified as a psychedelic integration coach. 


take a leap into your


Soul-aligned, paradigm-shifting, heart-centered
service career in the psychedelic revival



Meet Your Guide:

Shiri M. Godasi, M.A.

Shiri is a pioneering psychedelic-positive Creatrix, coach, activist, artist, visionary entrepreneur, and mother. A proponent of Self-shamanism and collective innovation, she is dedicated to creating grassroots systems that empower people to potentiate through play and re-creation, live an authentic & free life and serve their communities to design social change. A 5-time psychedelic innovator, among Shiri’s organizations are a registered 501c-3 nonprofit community, a virtual education hub; a professional integration alliance; and a private coaching platform. Through field play she has originated a psychedelic integration therapy theory and methodology, The Psyched Soul Method. Called “The Matriarch of psychedelic integration”, her work as an integration activist since 2015 has inspired numerous individuals to create their footprint in the global psychedelic revival. Her approach draws from transpersonal psychology, New-Earth sacred commerce, Eastern philosophy, and shamanism, fusing ancient wisdom with modern practices for a ‘Psyched’ lifestyle. She is passionate about empowering and mentoring the next generation of leaders in psychedelic support.

The Psyched Soul and its associates, the contents of this website and any information offered in our communications, programs and services do not in any way encourage or condone the use, purchase, sale or transfer of any illegal substances, nor do they encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities. Psychedelic Integration Coaching and Training supports a harm reduction approach for the purpose of education and promoting individual and public safety. It is recommended you do not partake in any illegal activities. If you are choosing to use psychedelic substances, please do so responsibly.