Integration is another name for Freedom
Jul 16, 2024
By Shiri Godasi
Aloha Familia!
It’s been a long minute, I am writing this note to you from mid-air between heaven and Earth as I travel from Costa Rica to the US for a quick visit. Feeling deep gratitude for the miracle that we call ‘aircraft’ that allows us to time-travel and experience new worlds in comfort and ease… What freedom!
I can’t think of a better word than freedom to describe the ulterior outcome of psychedelic integration.
When we think of the concept of integration many people describe it as a return to wholeness.
The energetics of this definition flow in an inwards motion, as a being comes into their own and remains contained.
Shifting the perspective just slightly, I view integration as a reclamation of one’s total and complete energy, breaking codependent ties then resulting in liberation.
The energetics of this perspective flow first inwards (reclamation), then outwards (breaking through and liberation). BOOM
What are the codependencies that get to be broken?
Psychedelic integration helps us free ourselves from the traps of our own mind
From the social conditioning and expectations
From the toxic behavioral patterns and narratives
From the depression, anxieties and compulsions
From attachments that help us feel safe
From the needs for mirroring and validation at all cost
From fear of abandonment, loneliness and death
From addictions to drama
From the pain and suffering of the human journey.
Really, from any and all toxic relationships that exacerbate our trauma bonds and wounding.
When we free ourselves from the shackles of the illusions of a past and a future that do not exist, we stand secure and sovereign as differentiated and integrated persons.
We become nothing, so we can experience everything.
We don’t need anything, so (paradoxically) everything comes to us…Wicked smart universe!
We are then free to cultivate purposeful and intentional relationships that are heart-centered, elevate consciousness and creation, and work together for the greater good.
We are free to curate our own destiny, knowing its wellness is tied to the wellness of All.
Why? You are me, and I am you. Our destinies are tied.
We are ripe to experience true freedom both on the soul and human levels: when we are in true individual freedom, the soul elevate while our human thrives; then, all souls elevate and all humans thrive.
You know that slogan that is thrown around…Nobody is free until everyone is free.
that includes you.
But you can choose to wait to be freed… Or just free yourself.
My answer is obvious: psychedelic integration for the win 🥳
Your girl is exceptionally biased… Exactly 10 years ago I was in so much pain, so desperate to free myself that I literally fell on my hands and knees begging for change.
What you seek is seeking you…
I sought massive change, and psychedelics came-a-knockin’ on my door.
Since then I’ve been occupied borderline obsessed with understanding integration…through integrating the vision of FREEDOM into my life.
More about that in my next email. For now, I will say this:
‘Business’ is another name for purposeful, intentional relationships.
Psychedelic integration too is another name for purposeful, intentional relationships.
Want to learn more? Join my upcoming webinar “building a lit-up psychedelic business”. It’s completely free, register here
How can you be in relationship with All while still being authentically, beautifully, abundantly you?
How can you truly be free?
PS The first season of The Psyched Soul Podcast has wrapped! Feeling so grateful for the magick of this alchemical, relational container. Listen here.
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