The purpose of Psyched Soul Talx masterclass series is to share about the wild and empowering journey from psychedelic therapy & integration to creating paradigm-shifting careers in the psychedelic revival. We also share about the craft of psychedelic integration from a professional and decolonized standpoint.
You will get an inside view into stories of context (Why we do it) and learn practical skill sets (How we do it).
Through candid conversations with guest experts, we dive deep into integration modalities and their implementation into the budding field of psychedelic support. We get to tap into their creative and perfectly messy processes of reinventing new standards in psychospiritual re/dis/covery.
This is the place to connect with the authentic trailblazers and daring visionaries of our time, and to be inspired to forge novel ways of living through the human experience.
Psyched Soul Talx series is meant to spark curiosity, reveal soul-aligned entrepreneurial possibilities, and ignite creative conscious action towards greater positive social change.
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learn from these experts
Additional Talx Masterclasses are added regularly.
Your one-time purchase guarantees access to all upcoming class recordings.
Immediate access granted upon purchase.
30-day money-back guarantee.
This masterclass series is for You if:
- Want to learn about the budding field of psychedelic therapy and integration support
- Wish to develop a soul-aligned and paradigm-shifting career in the psychedelic revival
- Want to expand your personal/professional psychedelic therapy and integration skillset expertise
- Want to discovering how psychedelic integration can support your journey towards psychological, spiritual, and vocational re/dis/covery
- Desire to shed cultural programming and embrace a decolonized way of humaning.
- Want to know what is possible for You in the psychedelic renaissance.