April 11, 2024


How to Interpret Psychedelic Journeys | Part 2 with Shiri Godasi


About this Episode

How can we become more skillful in interpreting our psychedelic experiences while also accepting that not all insights from our journeys require interpretation? 

When is it useful to intentionally apply psychedelic integration tools and techniques and when may it be time to trust that medicine is giving us exactly what we need (whether we ‘want’ it or not!) and allow ourselves to trust the unfolding as a practice for engaging with the unconscious in our daily lives?

Listen in to Part Two of Shiri’s 2-part series on interpreting psychedelic journeys for a deep dive into these questions and more, as Shiri reaffirms the idea that the ceremonial experience extends far beyond the immediate effects of the medicine and that psychedelic integration is a gift that keeps on giving …

Topics Covered

✨ Exploring the significance of environment, music/silence and energy during your trip

✨ Navigating challenges: resistance, trauma, addiction and the importance of safety

✨ Expectations and disappointments in psychedelic experiences

✨ Consent and power dynamics in ceremony

✨ Integration techniques for extracting themes from your journey

✨ Post-ceremony: the extended process of integration

✨ Opening to the lessons of your journey being delivered in surprising ways

Episode Resources

 ✨ Private coaching with Shiri: 1:1 Integration Coaching with Shiri Godasi

Nectara’s Membership: Use code “SHIRI” for a discount

Nectara’s Ceremonial Preparation Program 

Take a Journey Through the Episode ...


About Your Host: Shiri Godasi, M.A.


Shiri is a mother, pioneering psychedelic integration therapist & coach, and consciousness activator. An visiony educator for over 2 decades, she has founded multiple grassroots psychedelic harm reduction organizations to create on-ground support for people who use psychedelics and plant medicines to facilitate change in their lives and in their community. She teaches creative & heart-centered rebels to mindfully engage with psychedelics & plant medicines, and translate their visions into deep transformation, paradigm-shifting service and an epic lifestyle.