April 04, 2024


How to Interpret Psychedelic Journeys | Part 1 with Shiri Godasi


About this Episode

There is growing awareness of the need for integration after psychedelic experiences, but where exactly does the interpretation of those experiences fit into integration?

In this episode, Shiri introduces her integration philosophy, developed through extensive fieldwork and personal exploration and offers various approaches to help make sense of psychedelic experiences, applicable to a broad range of substances.

Shiri emphasizes three main principles: staying curious and humble, understanding one's vantage point, and prioritizing the relationship with insights that arise over their content. She further explores the role of themes, sounds, visions and physical sensations as vehicles for deep personal understanding, while stressing the importance of viewing these phenomena through a trauma-informed lens.

Topics Covered

✨ Understanding psychedelic experiences: a personal philosophy

✨ Exploring techniques for psychedelic integration

✨ Questioning the need for the interpretation of psychedelic journeys

✨ How to approach interpretation in the context of integration

✨ Anchor points for interpreting psychedelic trips

✨ Recognizing patterns and themes

✨ Unpacking memories and traumas

✨ Finding meaning in the sensory realm: visions, sounds and sensations

✨ Archetypes and the collective unconscious

✨ Concluding thoughts and an invitation for private support

Episode Resources

 ✨ Private coaching with Shiri: 1:1 Integration Coaching with Shiri Godasi

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About Your Host: Shiri Godasi, M.A.


Shiri is a mother, pioneering psychedelic integration therapist & coach, and consciousness activator. An visiony educator for over 2 decades, she has founded multiple grassroots psychedelic harm reduction organizations to create on-ground support for people who use psychedelics and plant medicines to facilitate change in their lives and in their community. She teaches creative & heart-centered rebels to mindfully engage with psychedelics & plant medicines, and translate their visions into deep transformation, paradigm-shifting service and an epic lifestyle.