A gift for you:
Download my carefully-curated 13+ hour playlist to accompany your innerspace travels
Hey You
You're a spirit on a mission, here to live your true purpose through sharing your unique soul medicine...
You're navigating your way through creating a soul-aligned sacred service that will uplevel humanity...
You're here to shift paradigms, live abundance and become the psychedelic revival.
Welcome to the Psyched Soul
The Psyched Soul is a roadmap for a decolonized way of humaning in the psychedelic revival.
We serve up a proven path & strategic path helping You playfully INTEGRATE-to-CREATE:
1. The highest version of your Spirit and dharmic purpose, within this Earthwalk
2. A professional psychedelic support service of high caliber and integrity -
3. Supported by a sustainable business vehicle that ignites social change...
4. Through becoming a confident, creative & culture-shaping leader and innovative CREATOR in the psychedelic third wave
5. A Soul-aligned, authentic, wild and free LIFE!

The Psyched Soul PlaySkool™️ of Integration & Soulpreneurship
is a psychedelic-positive, creativity-centered, transformational integration & soul-aligned business training program, incubating the next Coaches, Creators & Leaders in psychedelic support -
established January 2020.
Your Proven Formula:
The Psyched Soul Method™️
by Shiri M. Godasi is the cornerstone of The Psyched Soul philosophy.
Created in the light of 8-years of field experience it offers an original and methodological approach to integration of psychedelic experiences and psychospiritual embodiment.
An artistic, strategic and spiritual path to Self-re/dis/covery, it aims to demystify cultural narratives around healing and mental wellness management.

I'm Shiri Godasi
A beach-n’-Beyonce loving human that has dedicated years to finding right relationship with psychedelics and plant medicines - and "doing the work" to free my soul.
As I discovered... Healing is a natural bi-product of creative expression and re-creation.
So I began to play...
Then, I became free.

Radical Times Call For Radical Action
Join the journey of radical empowerment as We form a psychedelic-positive counterculture: step into radical authenticity, take radical action and co-create the new era of consciousness - and a just world.
Client Testimonials

Integration support I’ve found to typically be approached and taught as simple and oblivious self care practices that completely reduce the psychedelic space to dry western paradigms. The Psyched Soul method approaches and teaches psychedelic integration support with the depth, complexity, heart, and essence of the psychedelic experience itself. I would not recommend any other program to learn about this work.
Otto Maier

The Psyched Soul offered a lot more than I was expecting! It's education, validation, and transformation all wrapped into a single course. The content is rich, the suggestions are expansive, the community is incredible – and personal metamorphosis is undeniable. I loved being a student in Shiri's program! The curriculum is thoughtfully planned and takes you on your very own personal journey of discovery and integration.
Jaime Lee Meyer

I have always wanted to help people heal at deep levels of their being, but didn't know how to take them there. With all of my past history of acupunture, yoga, massage, coaching, horses, my training with You as well a medicine facilitator training that I am doing, I feel like it has all come together for me with my own personal healing and what I am here to share with the world.
It is exciting sharing this with you because you showed up right when I was ready to step on the path that has been calling me for so long.
I am grateful to you.
Jill Van Meter

Working with Shiri has opened my eyes wider than I thought was possible. Not only were my eyes opened, but so was my heart as well as my truth. Working with someone that has actually done the WORK has been life changing. Shiri has so much knowledge and intuition around the shadow, how to feel into it, and ultimately work through it. She has helped me uncover layers of my trauma that i didn't know existed, did not even know needed to be worked through. I always felt safe and held when I needed it, Shiri also pushed me to dig deeper when it was known I was avoiding where I needed to feel into. I can truthfully say I am in a different place now than I was before starting my work with Shiri. The work is never ending but I have transformed in my ability to weave through my feelings, emotions, and trauma than prior to working with Shiri.
Marc Pelosi

“Attending Shiri’s Psychedelic Integration School was the best decision I’ve made. I was in between choosing a Transpersonal Master’s Degree and the program didn’t offer much to what Shiri’s program entails. Her back ground in Depth psychology really supports different themes that may be brought up in journey space. Her guidance has been such a light in my life. I feel confident in supporting others and their processes. I am now starting her sacred business portion of the program and people are already reaching out in wanting to work with me. I am so happy to have connected with Shiri and the amazing cohort that came along with it. Our community is definitely something truly special. I am so grateful to be reunited with soul family. ”
Wendy Barrios

I just wanted to reach out and give you some praise. I have taken numerous business classes and have been apart of 2 other business masterminds. 1 was for hair and I learned it’s no longer my passion. The other (I’m still) is for feminine leaders. And I must say I am learning sooooo much from your course. The depth you are taking the information is what my brain needs to understand. Thank you for hearing the call and presenting facts that are yummy for my soul to digest. You’re hard work is shifting the world. RESPECT
Erin Doumert
My intention for attending The Psyched Soul psychedelic integration school was to go deeper within my healing. I felt this program was a medicine journey within itself. Not only did I come to understand what integration means. I communed with deeper parts of myself making me feel whole again. I enjoyed learning from Shiri and met incredible soul family in my cohort. I am ecstatic to share that I started my business and had my first 6 month client by month 8 of the program. My business is now growing and I am more than thrilled that I can say this is my passion and work. I am beyond grateful for this amazing accomplishment and wholeheartedly appreciative of the whole Psyched Soul team! Thank you all!
Working with psychedelics is an experience that our normal, everyday mind is not use to processing and relating. The whole process is beyond our normal capacity of comprehension. Having the guidance and counsel of someone like Shiri is vital and necessary to help you integrate so you can best show up in this world with the learnings received from such mind altering experience. Thank you Shiri for holding a beautiful space to assist in processing the bigger ‘stuff’ and providing the needed guidance to make sense of what we normally cannot make sense of.
After taking a very long “break” from them, psychedelics become an integral part of my personal growth and development over the past two years. At one point I felt I had arrived at a plateau of sorts, and realized that I needed to learn more about how to integrate the insights gleaned from psychedelic experience into my everyday life. It was through Meetup that I met Shiri, who impressed me with her breadth and depth of knowledge in the areas of psychology and psychedelic integration. I subsequently enrolled in one of Shiri’s multi-week Integration Intensive workshops and gained a tremendous amount of knowledge not only about integration methods that helped me to maximize my experiences, but about myself as well. It was one of the best investment of time and money I ever made. I do and will highly recommend Shiri’s services, and I can’t thank her enough.
Just sharing space with those that have had similar experiences or life journeys, and who were looking for answers, or actually had some answers, was very stimulating and comforting. The sharing of ideas, understandings and experiences with the intimate group members allowed me to continue the healing work and unlock more of the doors that were awaiting my presence. The journey is no longer so lonely, as a matter of fact, I've found the tribe I have been missing my whole life, and the wholeness is expanding as I journey forward.
No way - I am speechless at how much you have taught me, shown me, and been a conduit for. I am eternally grateful for you and the role you have played in walking me Home.
I haven't taken a moment to properly show you this gratitude. I am Changed. Thank you, Shiri.
Haley P.
Participating in Shiri's integration goup program, I feel much more grounded with the experiences I have had, as I was able to talk about it and think about it in a way that offered tremendous growth and deeper understanding.
Greg Lawrence
Shiri is superb! Kind, supportive, open and very knowledgeable about the subject matter. Great guidance and feedback. Professional and invested in drilling down into the subjects experience and future opportunities to best optimize all experiences, both negative and positive.
I only wish the program had been available sooner! I was able to make an important perception break through that I had not been able to make on my own or with the help of a conventional therapist.
I loved your program and still recommend it to friends... I JUST got a referral yesterday. The person who reached out would prefer to work with someone who is certified. I've gotten to where I'm at because of The Psyched Soul PlaySkool and her partner, Spirit Pharmacist.
It’s very clear that Shiri’s heart and soul are invested in this work to make this world a better place. Thank you!!! This was the most valuable group therapy I have had in my life!!
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The Psyched Soul and its associates, the contents of this website, and any information offered in our communications, programs, and services do not in any way encourage or condone the use, purchase, sale, or transfer of any illegal substances, nor do they encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities. Psychedelic Integration Coaching and Training supports a harm reduction approach for the purpose of education and promoting individual and public safety. It is recommended you do not partake in any illegal activities. If you are choosing to use psychedelic substances, please do so responsibly.