Whether you are awakening... 
OR on a soul-centered mission to serve in the psychedelic revival -
Grab one of our free downloads to guide your journey:

Psyched Soul Talx Masterclass: Psychedelic Meta Integration with Nir Tadmor

View this free masterclass and learn about:

  • Integration of multiple psychedelic experiences as a continuous non-linear process that often involves experiences with different substances, dosages, contexts and settings
  • “Meta-integration" as the integration of the total sum of people’s life-long psychedelic experiences into their personality, relationships and practice
  • The correlation between transpersonal psychology and integration 
  • The continuous transformation that takes place as a result of life-long relationships with psychedelics and the non-ordinary states
  • The potential benefits of recreational settings
  • Nir’s personal journey from trance festivals to founding one of the largest grassroots psychedelic support organizations worldwide
  • How Nir decided to dedicate his life to psychedelic support - and the decision to niche in integration
  • What acute steps Nir took to ensure he was properly trained to become an internationally-renowned expert provider and create a psychedelic career of service from scratch.

Psyched Soul Talx: Psychedelic Meta Integration with Nir Tadmor

View this free masterclass and learn about:

  • Integration of multiple psychedelic experiences as a continuous non-linear process that often involves experiences with different substances, dosages, contexts and settings
  • “Meta-integration" as the integration of the total sum of people’s life-long psychedelic experiences into their personality, relationships and practice
  • The correlation between transpersonal psychology and integration 
  • The continuous transformation that takes place as a result of life-long relationships with psychedelics and the non-ordinary states
  • The potential benefits of recreational settings
  • Nir’s personal journey from trance festivals to founding one of the largest grassroots psychedelic support organizations worldwide
  • How Nir decided to dedicate his life to psychedelic support - and the decision to niche in integration
  • What acute steps Nir took to ensure he was properly trained to become an internationally-renowned expert provider and create a psychedelic career of service from scratch.

5 Master-Level Integration Skills

You're thinking of your next psychedelic trip.

Meditation and journaling aside...

What's your integration strategy?

Download our free hand guide to learn our top 5 master-level psychedelic integration skills -  and uplevel your integration practice.


Psychedelic Therapy Journey Playlist


Download Shiri's playlist: 13+ hours of curated soundscapes for enhanced psychospiritual healing journeys


Psychedelic Therapy Journey Playlist


Download Shiri's playlist: 13+ hours of curated soundscapes for enhanced psychospiritual healing journeys


The Roadmap To Becoming A High-Caliber, Successful & Abundant Integration Specialist


Not every integration specialist is created equal.

In an ocean of newly-trained psychedelic integration providers, coaches, and guides, few will have the well-rounded toolbox that will enable them to rise above the current and differentiate themselves.

They will provide exceptional service, and make a positive impact on the highest level while honoring their path.

So what makes a world-class, paradigm-shifting integration provider?

Download this no-cost guide now to find out.


The Roadmap To Becoming A High Caliber, Ethical, Successful & Abundant Integration Specialist


Not every integration specialist is created equal.

In an ocean of newly-trained psychedelic integration providers, coaches, and guides, few will have the well-rounded toolbox that will enable them to rise above the current and differentiate themselves.

They will provide exceptional service, and make a positive impact on the highest level while honoring their path.

So what makes a world-class, paradigm-shifting integration provider?

Download this no-cost guide now to find out.


5-Step Psychedelic Preparation Strategy


Preparation is the first step of psychedelic integration - to create a safe, effective, and deep psychedelic experience.

Mindful preparation greatly reduces psychological and medical risks as well as maximizes therapeutic benefits with an increase in sustainability of healing.

Download our must-have psychedelic preparation strategy to learn now.


A Woman's Soul Retreat

What are the actual foundations that make you YOU?

And how do you fully own & confidently express the full-spectrum of your multidimensional soul?

Join this 8-day soul-revealing program to:

  • Awaken & activate your dormant feminine codes
  • Discover what you stand for as a human and woman at this time in history
  • Clarify your soul's mission and your "Why"
  • Uncover and outline your foundational values
  • Get crystalline clarity on your immediate and long-term goals
  • Challenge and reprogram your limited perception of who you are - and what is possible for you
  • Discover a roadmap to reconnect with your feminine power & creative nature
  • Unearth and meet your soul's medicine and your purpose as an awakened woman.

Value of this offer is $888 - join now at no cost.