Life/Medicine/Integration Lessons from 2023
Jan 07, 2024By Shiri Godasi
This is your life, and only you can live it.
All the goodness of life is available to you—joy, love, success, abundance—but nothing is given. You’ve gotta claim it. And it is usually earned through humbling yourself.
Human life is work. A lot of tedious work. We have the freedom to choose what to work on in order to make the most out of our life. But there is no escape from work. Put in the work to listen to what is being asked of you, then choose to work it with gratitude in your heart.
Choose to make sacrifices for what truly matters, not as a deprivation but as a practice of self love.
Troubles will come on their own, joyful times must be created. Create daily opportunities for joy around the pillars of life that are most important: health, relationships, work.
Nobody and nothing can make you happy. Happiness is an everyday choice that must be prioritized. Be honest with yourself about what makes you happy, then create your schedule around that. The ride is short, put in the effort to be happy in this lifetime.
When you feel good, you are happy; when you are happy, you feel good. Invest in you, your physical, psychological and spiritual care, so you can feel good and be happy.
Complaining, whether external or internal, is a toxic habit will hold your life back like nothing else.
Nobody is coming to rescue you. It is all on you. Mind your entitlements.
Abandon hope: what if what you have right now, is the best and most that you will ever have? How will you live your life then?
Pray not for more, but for the wisdom to utilize everything you already have in the highest and most effective way possible.
Prayer and gratitude are the most effective technologies for a thriving life.
Faith means you’ve gotta move like god’s got you.
Systems are everything. Putting effective repeatable systems into place streamlines experiences, immensely simplifies your days, frees up your energy and helps you reach your goals faster.
Focus on long-term goals that will yield immense joy vs. immediate pleasures provide short-term thrills: the latter enslave your nervous system into a perpetual state of addiction.
When you become nothing you can be everything.
Never take anything personally. And remember you don’t know very much.
The best way to support a person with codependency is to kindly step back, pray in their name. Then let them figure it out.
Life is not perfect, nobody is perfect. Everybody is doing the best they can, and have the responsibility to do so.
Feel free to relinquish all of your spiritual altars, devotions, meditations and holy practices; just be kind.
Being there for someone with no judgement is the greatest service we can offer.
We don’t need to know the way. The way knows the way.
2023 was one of the most challenging, humbling and incredible years of my life. I am naming it “Rich” because that’s what it has made me, not with cash but with gratitude, faith, meaningful connections, knowledge of the soul, opportunities to live life on my terms, and appreciation for it all.
We have some exciting offerings lined up for you in 2024. The Psyched Soul Podcast, talking about all-things psychedelic integration and ceremonial living. Psychedelic Life, an all-inclusive integration coaching membership. An in-person women's microdosing group. All of these are launching in January--brace yourselves :)
Also starting in January is a new, accelerated psychedelic integration coaching certification program for a small group of visionary women. If you are a service-hearted woman that is interested in starting her year with a deep personal transformation in sisterhood while becoming certified as an integration coach, apply here.
Wishing us all a healthy, happy, peaceful and bountiful 2024.
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