$99.00 USD

Meaning making, theme illumination & interpretation of psychedelic journeys

This is a practical class with advanced tools for anyone who is interested in learning how to untangle the threads of ineffable psychedelic experiences to weave them into daily life. 

The result is:

- Increased personal agency in your psychospiritual healing journey

- Deeper healing of attachments and traumas

- A smoother and quicker integration process

- A more profound & sustainable life transformation.


Learn dozens of actionable tools and professional interventions to understand and make meaning of psychedelic experiences, including:

  • Trips where “nothing happened”

  • Trauma-related insights

  • Weird and shocking experiences

  • Bad/difficult experiences

  • Techniques for cryptic/unclear insights

  • Short term and long term integration tips.


Interventions offered are applicable for all medicines, doses and types of experiences including:

- Synthetic substances & plant medicines

- Heroic doses and microdosing

- For psychospiritual & trauma healing, ritual and re-creational uses.


All-original material derived from 8 years of integration therapy support,  taught by pioneering integration therapist, teacher and creator of The Psyched Soul™ Integration Method Shiri Godasi, M.A. 

Program includes:

  •  120 minutes program
  • Integration client case examples 

  • Q/A

  • 12-month access to program

Duration of program: 120 minutes.

This presentation is for harm reduction and educational purposes only.

About Psychedelic Integration:

When engaging with psychedelic substances and plant medicines the visions, personal lessons, higher knowledge, collective insights and awareness expansion provided oftentimes can be so great that explorers may struggle in readjusting to a balanced everyday state. This can lead to loss of potential benefits or even ill assimilation of the psychedelic experience, affecting one’s well being negatively. 

Psychedelic integration, a practical framework bridging between the mystical and ineffable psychedelic realm and our everyday world, plays the dual aim of maximizing the profound insights gleaned in altered states while reducing potential harms. Integration is what anchors those magic spells created in your ceremonies to create BIG MAGIC in your life.

Through the discipline of integration as a supplementary and vital modality to entheogenic ceremonies, the lessons turn into sustained healing; knowledge into personal & communal mastery; and visions into reality. And as conscious creators - we serve to re-create a new earth that is in support and love of one another and the planet.